Different ways of seeing crowns
The florist and teacher Pere Padrós already works regularly at FLOOS, and in this new collection, he presents a series of pieces showing how he sees floristry and floral craftsmanship. They are very naturalistic designs with a romantic and melancholic touch.
Within this collection, Pere Padrós offers a diverse range of floral crowns, compositions with glass vases, and other designs inspired by the shape of a ring. Each design is explained step by step, making them easily replicable.
His work, based on simplicity, transforms the floral composition 100%. It is a simple feeling but complex to realise, with a strong, pure floral selection that meets all the requirements of the designs.
Don't miss the tips and tricks in each of the new floral recipes by Catalan master Pere Padrós.

Each recipe includes:
- Step-by-step instructions with videos and photos
- 360º images of the recipes
- List of materials used
- Expert tips, ideas and advice