Floral Fundamentals
Floral Fundamentals brings florists, growers and suppliers into direct contact sharing ideas, new products and access with a database and digital magazine.Following intensive discussions, a group of like-minded professionals from different aspects of the industry agreed that the floral industry needed help to communicate and to break down barriers. The advent of supermarket pricing policy has caused major issues not only for florists but for growers too. What was needed was a radical approach and a platform where growers and suppliers could have direct communication with florists and where florists could ask direct questions and learn more. Floral Fundamentals aims to share practical information about flowers, plants and new sundry products used in the floral industry. Florists will be able to connect directly with growers and suppliers by subscribing to the digital magazine due to go into production in February 2015. Floral Fundamentals aims to show practical, commercial ideas that will give florists a design edge over supermarket products. In turn, growers can ask for feedback about their flowers and plants. Florists will then be able to ensure that they use professional growers supplying excellent flowers. In certain cases, growers will ensure that these products will not be available via supermarkets or chain stores.