In memory of...
> Pere Padrós
The next proposition from floral designer Pere Padrós is a funeral piece. This new floral recipe is a wreath, which is a very typical composition for such occasions. It’s a piece that, despite having been conceived for such a sad moment, transmits joy and optimism. It has a lively explosion of flowers and colours that will surely comfort us at such a sad time. The wide variety of materials used and the wonderful work put into arranging them by master Pere Padrós make this piece a masterpiece. Discover the creative process and secrets in the next floral recipe
- Collection:
- Difficulty level:
- Intermediate
- Execution time:
- Less than 2 hours
- Budget:
- High
- Flowers:
- (only available to subscribers or customers)
- Materials:
- (only available to subscribers or customers)
- Step-by-step index card:
- (only available to subscribers or customers)
- 360º image:
- (only available to subscribers or customers)