In this very special, singular collection the students who finished the floral design course at the
Escola de disseny floral i paisatgisme in Barcelona are reunited. Each one of them created two floral designs. The collection is formed of ten designs, capturing their end-of-course project.
Master and project coordinator, Daniel Santamaría, explains the project origins:
“Society today identifies the word LUXURY as something of very high economic value, 'glamour', riches, and that’s why this piece is beautiful or appreciated.
For us, luxury is found in the beauty of flowers, materials and design presented by a student. The techniques are a luxury too; without them they wouldn’t get to create our floral piece. Luxury is in our hands when it comes to manipulate the materials. Colour is a very precious luxury, getting to be able to see all the shades and textures of the materials make our floral element a totally brutal richness. All of that without taking economic luxury into account. The luxury of power to see a floral piece within our houses or spaces, in harmony with interior design. That, is luxury!
Realisation by the students consisted of creating a hand-tied for inside a house and a table centrepiece for inside a house found on the Equator. Avant-garde architecture. Glass, cement and Wood are the three elements used by architects.
Each student was completely free to decide what style, techniques, colour and type of material to use, always respecting what the client asks for and following a driving thread of the interior design of space

Each recipe includes:
- Step-by-step instructions with videos and photos
- 360º images of the recipes
- List of materials used
- Expert tips, ideas and advice