In all other design themes like weddings, table decoration and room decoration, designs have changed, developed and improved over the years, with there being so many inventions and innovations in technique and style. However, it seems that only in funeral design has nothing much changed. We are still doing the same designs as they were centuries ago. Always giving the same excuses to say why more innovative designs are not used or tried. The industry is losing business everywhere because funeral designs are boring and clients can see that. The problems are manifold.
Brigitte Heinrichs is trying to inspire and encourage, trying something new, but knows that this is not easy. She uses designs that can be done in an all days’ work, although there are huge differences between culture and tradition all over the world. Yet there is something that brings the world together more than flowers, whose only mission is to comfort the bereaved and dignify the deceased. We, as professional florists, need to inform and teach our clients, from whom there will be no input. The input and ideas need to come from us. There are strong traditions, but there are also other contemporary and modern ways. Our clients would like to see more new ideas and find the right personal floral design for their loved ones. There is the chance to keep the tradition, though in a contemporary way. It is our duty to support the family and help them find the right flowers. There is no other floral theme where flowers can say more than 1000 words. When words are not enough, flowers take up the conversation, and therefore, it is so important to know as much as possible about the symbolism of flowers and funeral floral design. We should not leave it all in the funeral directors’ hands.
Brigitte Heinrichs will show you interesting techniques that not only do not have to be used in funeral designs, but can also be used in other design themes like weddings, room decoration and outdoor decoration. You’ll find a selection of traditional funeral arrangements for wreath, coffin and urn with different techniques and unusual designs, to inspire you

Each recipe includes:
- Step-by-step instructions with videos and photos
- 360º images of the recipes
- List of materials used
- Expert tips, ideas and advice